Now that you have found your Motivators are you ready for the next steps to help you stay committed? Deadlines and Games are Key!
How many times have you told yourself that yes you are ready to lose weight, but in the same breath you get frustrated and give up hope because the warm weather has rolled around, and you have not moved an ounce. Reality is it was easy to hide behind the inter clothes but then summer rolls around and you can’t hide anymore and now you are probably saying “if only”….
It’s easy to hide behind heavy winter clothes, but when the mercury starts climbing, the clothes get lighter and we can’t hide any more. “Why didn’t I start working out weeks ago?” we ask ourselves. “If only I had started sooner!” Well here is one of my favorite quotes regarding life….
A year from now you will wish you had started today. -Karen Lamb
So, let’s talk Deadlines:
Start with Setting a deadline and start NOW! Believe it or not Deadlines are very powerful Motivators too!
- Without a deadline you have nothing to work towards; and; and
- Without a deadline you have nothing pushing you
If you set a deadline then you have a goal and a time line to get there. When you set a deadline, you set yourself up for success because you will always have that deadline staring you in the face. Oh, and by the way one way to take this step a little further is to tell a close friend or family member of your deadline so they can help hold you accountable! Besides we all need a little pushing every now and then!
Deadlines help force you to take a look at the end result and take steps to get there. Which means you must take the time to think about it in detail! As adults most of us know if we let things go by the way side, we will continue down that road of non-confronting.
Reality is without a deadline, tomorrow never comes.
So, let’s talk Games:
Are you ready to shake things up and meet your deadlines?
“The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again but expecting different results.” AE
So… are you ready to change things up, do something different? If so ask yourself what you are willing to change. Remember CHANGE IS GOOD.
Make this a game! Entering into a game is the best way to give you the edge you need to keep yourself on track and finish strong!
There is something very motivating about games and competitions. Pressure is good sometimes and get you to the end result you are looking for!
Start by getting out your calendar and decide when you want to meet your first fitness goals.
- Be real with yourself: give yourself time to really start, to really put some effort in and to really be able to have time to see changes.
- Challenge yourself — make your goals towards your deadline a little tough so you can take create a sense of urgency which we have already learned is important!
- Get competitive with yourself and don’t let your deadline come up and kick you in the ars!
- DON’T CHANGE your deadline
There you have it folks. Deadlines and games are a great combination to ensure your fitness success: so, use them, put them to work for you and enjoy the journey!
Plan now to meet your goals with no regrets!
Peace and Happiness