I don’t know about everyone, but I do know most people need to occasionally take a break from life and take the time to step away from the craziness of everyday life.   Call it an adult time out if you wish but know that it is OK to do!

Let us talk Retreats:

  • The beauty of going on a retreat is that no matter where you go or how long you stay, you’ll always meet yourself when you get there.
  • Going on a Retreat is a way, to get away from your daily life…. To allow self-healing, self-growth and offers us all time to rest, heal, reflect, rejuvenate and renew our spirit.

Retreats give you time for planned meditation and alone time so that you can go deep within and spend time with you.  Come on, if your like most good people you do that with and for others!  Isn’t it time to do it for you!

Retreats often take place in locations that allow the space and time to rejuvenate and allow time for our true selves to be reawakened. Whether in nature, next to water or as a source of silence, when joining retreats, you can spend a certain number of days listening to and hearing what your heart is speaking to you about and searching for.

During a retreat you may also spend so much time in nature that you can start to physically feel better, but ultimately you will be more aligned with whatever your true purpose is!

Without having the craziness of work, toxicity etc. around, you are given the opportunity to give yourself time to yourself so you can go deeply into your heart to fully reflect on what makes you happy, maybe find out what your joys and fears are, and be willing to allow these new awarenesses to be strengthened or released!

Who knows…? You may even come to understand more clearly your path and what your true purpose really is on a more clear level.

Try a retreat you might find that you go back to your life renewed and ready to take on the world.

We are all worth it!  Isn’t it time to retreat so that you may emerge refreshed and ready to go back to your everyday life with a new perspective.

Peace and Happiness

for upcoming Hiking or Yoga retreats please check out https://happyhikersfitness.com/happy-hikers-fitness/