Hello there, as a Life Coach I talk to a lot of people.  Seems there is a pattern happening… Everybody is busy… Everybody is in Survival mode and not surprising EVERYBODY is looking for a quick fix to a healthier lifestyle.

Well this all got me thinking.  How do we find time in our lives to pay attention to and spend time on us?  How do we do all the things we need and till stay healthy and happy all at the same time.

Here’s the deal. I understand all these obstacles.  I have lived them myself for years and I too get caught up sometimes in the craziness. However, as a Life Coach I have learned some pretty cool ways to help align life’s adventures to make sure that things are moving forward in the way they need to, to not only help be productive but to also help me reach my happy places!

If you want to see a positive change in any area of your lives, you have to start by making a decision to change! Things never stay the same, they get better or they get worse, but they do not stay the same… Change is good.

In this Blog, I am going to share 5 Tips to feeling better.  These tips are easy and can and will make the first steps of change for a healthier more productive life easy.

These are the top 5 tips that have proven to be very successful in my many years of coaching clients. If you take the time to be consistent with them, then over time, you will make huge changes in your world. But you have to take the time to be consistent and mindful of your actions!

There are no quick fixes to life’s adventures, but that being said there are simple changes you can make to help you along your way to a happier you.  Make them a part of your daily lives – this is how the REAL change can and will happen.

Take a few days and implement the first successful tip.  Then integrate the next while keeping all earlier tips in place and successfully implemented.  Make these tips part of your daily routine as they will help you become more organized and feeling better about things in your world so you can move forward to working hard towards your HAPPINESS!!  It about time isn’t it!?!?!

When you are ready for the next steps to finding your happiness either send me an email or sign up on my web site to get started! lifecoachinghippie@gmail.com or www.Happyhikersfitness.com
5 Tips to gaining YOUR life back today

Hydrate – Staying hydrated is the simplest way to helping your body stay healthy. Hydration helps ensure that your body has adequate water for flushing toxinstransporting vital nutrients to your cells and for keeping a clear head.

Also keeping hydrated is the basic of body functions, not mention it helps regulate blood pressure body temperature and aids in digestion.  Your Body needs Water.

What is the right amount you might be asking?  Well it varies slightly between people, but the concept is the same!  Hydrate Hydrate.  64 ounces of water every day is good… 80 ounces is better!  Try adding a drop of Lemon Essential oil in one of your glasses of water each day.  Not only does it taste good it aids with Hydration!

FEED YOUR BODY – It is important to eat properly for you, yes for you.  There is NO cookie cutter approach to fueling your body.  We all have similar needs, but our bodies are most definitely not the same so pay attention to yours!  This tip is all about fueling YOUR body.  Feed yourself.  Do not starve your body, do not follow some fad diet that makes you feel sick or leaves you with little to no energy.  Start with the basics.  Eat three meals a day (smaller portions to allow your body to digest them). Your body is like a car it needs to have fuel in it, or it start to break down.  I know I know you have heard this before, but it is 100% true…. Your body needs Fuel!  There are plenty of tips and menu plans and lifestyle choices for your future (I can help you with that if you would like) but please start out with just fueling your body with at least 3 meals a day.  Fill these meals with greens in every meal!  Greens are a good use of nutrients/micronutrients and yumminess.

REACH FOR YOUR HIGHER POWER – Take time each day to meditate and connect to your higher power… take 10 minutes and just let go, tap into your power source every day, in order to keep your greatness going. Meditation can bring clarity.  It allows you to open up and reconnect, you will become lighter when you release the things that you are not meant to carry. There is power in letting go.

Start moving your body from the time you get up in any way you can… yoga, stretching, a walk-in nature, or just taking time out from sitting behind a desk to move! This is very important.  Moving your body more will boost will help increase your productivity, put you in a better mood, keep you engaged and maybe, just maybe 😊 it will help you shed some weight if that’s your thing.

Allow yourself to be Happy – Look for it and allow it to happen.  Having something to look forward to everyday helps you feel motivated.  This is important people.  Finding something to be happy or grateful for with no negativity is big… But it should be something that puts a smile on your face. Call your kid, see a movie, say hi to a stranger, whatever it is find some happy time in there!  Drink a glass of wine or a smoothie, take a bath or read something happy!  But DO IT EVERYDAY.


Stop thinking about all the things you cannot do or get done and start thinking about everything that you can make happen.  Confusion is just random motion.  Pick one thing and take care of it… then pick another and then another.

I am dedicated to working with others to help define goals and dreams and to take all the steps necessary to make things happen!  Are you ready to start living your life your way?

Peace and Happiness
