I wanted to take a minute and follow up with a homework assignment that was thrown out there to all the people who were listening to a Podcast interview I did a couple of days ago.

The homework was to go out and make someone smile!  There were no other parameters.  Say Hi to someone, open/hold a door, donate a coffee, or anything else… just go out and make someone smile, change their day for the better and move on… NO EXPECTATIONS!

I know some of you that were listening probably questioned what a difference it would really make to do a good deed just because.  But let me tell you it makes a difference always!  Here is a story of why I tell people to do this – besides the obvious of making you feel better inside.

Today I happen to be traveling home from LAX to Oregon.  Now anyone who has been to LAX knows this is a BIG and I mean BIG and busy airport! I could never begin to guess how many flights and people go through here every day let alone every month, but I bet it is A LOT!

OK – OK to the story.

Granted I have done this trip many times over the last couple of years.  I have held many doors, paid for an extra tea or coffee here and there, smiled at many etc. etc.  But I remember one trip in particular, I was getting on a plane from Oregon heading to LAX for work.  I noticed on the flight that one of the flight attendants was trying very hard to hide her tears throughout the flight.  She did her job that day with a smile, but I could not help but notice and feel for her…. hell, I’ve been there!  When we landed, I took my time to get my stuff and walk off the plane pretty much after everyone else.  I stopped next to the flight attendant took a beaded bracelet from my wrist, handed it to her with a smile and told her she was awesome.  Nothing more, nothing less and then I continued off the plane…

Fast forward to today, it has been at least 12 months maybe more, I am sitting at the gate in LAX waiting to board my plane heading home to Oregon.  I am just chilling (I’m almost always early, too scared of the LA traffic delays), eating my lunch and checking my emails.  To my surprise a smiling, seemingly happy flight attendant walks by me quickly, talking on the phone giggling, heading towards her destination.  I noticed out of the corner of my eye how she stopped dead in her tracks, turned around and walked over to me.

What happened next is why I do what I do and why I tell people that it is important.

The flight attendant looked me straight in the eye and said “Hey you, how are you?  I want you to know I still have that bracelet you gave me in my purse!”  I smiled and said that’s amazing because I have not seen you in a long while… She responded with… well we are seeing each other today, gave me a big hug apologized for interrupting my lunch and moved on with a smile!

As I sit here waiting for my flight, I could not help but write this blog, I can not help but think how many of us yes us, have changed someone’s world for the better by just doing a simple good deed for no other reason than we can.

Here’s to YOU here’s to US!  I thank all of us who take the time to just smile and share a good deed to another Human just because!

IT MAKES A DIFFERENCE, Lets all keep it up!


Peace and Happiness!


It costs nothing,
but it’s worth a lot

It enriches those who receive it;
without impoverishing those who give it

It happens in a flash;
buts the memory of it sometimes lasts forever

It creates happiness in the home fosters good will in business;
It is the sign of friendship

It is rest to the tired, daylight to the discouraged, sunshine to the sad;
and nature’s best way to fix trouble

Yet, it cannot be bought;
begged, borrowed or stolen

For it is something that is no earthly good to anybody;
until it is given away

No one is so rich;
that he gets along without it
And no one so poor;
to not benefit from it

But if I am too troubled, Sad or discouraged;

to give you a smile

Will you please be kind enough;

to leave me one of yours….

Shugar 2017