We are all being tested in one way or another right now regarding our abilities to cope with our daily lives. Being able to surrender to certain aspects of our life right now seems only fitting!
I know a lot of people that are having to confront things in their life’s that they have not wanted to before and reality is, the more I talk to people, the more I see, if you do not allow yourself to confront and surrender during this time being given us, the more the issue pushes back and hits you upside the head! I think you know what I am talking about 😊
There are just certain things, like self-care, healthy habits, happiness and well maybe even transformation of oneself we just need to confront…. Seeing that the time has been given to us whether we agree with the why or not!
Let me point out that the common saying of “That which you resist persists” is real!!!!
I always tell people the more you resist a situation you do not want to deal with, the more attention and confrontation it creates in your life!
Think about that for a minute…
Long term debt is thrown in your face by collection bills (which get bigger and bigger by the way), not confronting healthy habits manifests in sickness, tiredness and sometimes just plain not caring anymore. No matter how hard you try to ignore these things, it seems the universe or more specifically everyday living reminds you, that, at some point soon you better handle it or the Shit is going to hit the fan, so to speak. Non confronting is a losing battle! Trust me, been there done that!
Here is a little secret that helps… Fully being able to open up and understand and stop resisting equals time for healing! Allowing yourself to start confronting and taking steps towards surrendering and healing means you are one step closer to YOUR happiness and dreams, whatever they may be.
I know that this subject may be scary to some degree for most, but in the long run, and well frankly even in the present, surrendering, confronting and taking steps towards making a change, can and will push you one step further in this game called LIFE!
Time to get healthy, time to make a plan towards your dreams, time to experience happiness in the true sense of the word, time to starting wining on a personal level!
If you need help or ideas that will help you move closer to your goals and dreams let us talk!
Peace and Happiness