I have met too many people in my life that Live to Work and, lately, I have come across way too many people who say they are not happy with the direction their life is going … they have no time for family and feel they can’t keep up with the Joneses.
People are so anxious of living their future that, unfortunately, they almost always forget to live in the present, live each moment and to take the time to enjoy it!
Ok, I know that there is no magic answer to this dilemma and I know there can be a lot of “Whys” but the first thing I always bring up is the following concept:
Work to Live Don’t Live to Work
This is a very powerful statement and I could only hope one would take this concept into account every day they are here on this incredible planet living one’s life.
Let’s look at this statement a little further, real quick….
Live to Work
You know who these people are. They are your friends and family who never take a day off; they have never taken a sick day and are the people who believe that the true test of a successful life is to have a great paying job without any other concerns about anything. These people bring work home with them, and their career is the means to an end. I am sure you know someone like this, we all do. The World Series could be happening in their front yard and despite having free tickets they don’t even attempt to enjoy any of it because “They have to work” to make money, to buy a new toy, that they don’t ever have time to enjoy because the Joneses next store have it too!
Please don’t get me wrong … I am sure that these same people enjoy what they do and are brilliant and to be fair I do understand that this is pretty much how most of us are taught to live our lives. From a very early age, we were told to get good grades, go to college, get a good job and make lots of money….. (Which could be true if taken into perspective for sure). This type of life usually leads to more time spent with co-workers than that with family and friends.
Work to Live
Now this type of person has a different way of living life … a job that is a reflection of who they are with a positive impact on their life, supplying time off to enjoy the things they love (hobbies, family, fun etc) all while still supplying a productive attitude in one’s life through work.
I am sure you have met some of these people as well. After all, we have all had the pleasure of working with some great fantastic people, ok maybe some of us more than others, but that’s all relative to our situations, isn’t it… great co-workers who are remarkable in their profession, who, in fact, drive others to become better employees which results in a better person. Come on you know the kind, the people in the office who are always there through the thick of it, the ones who are not in it for the money, but for the joy of it… they love helping others in need and yet never ask for anything in return.
This type of life usually leads to more time divided between family, friends and co-workers with equal time spent with home and work life.
This type of person when following the concept of Work to Live, takes the time to enjoy everything around them and usually has another saying…. Work Hard But Play Harder! (which, if you know me personally, is how I live my life and has brought about a whole lot of HAPPINESS in my world!)
So all this being said, I guess I try to help show others that Work should only be a part of life and it should not occupy one’s whole existence, unless that is what you want which would be ok too. Work consumes a lot of our personal lives, so I think that people need to start questioning whether they are married to their jobs or their families. There is no right or wrong here… but just know you MUST make a conscious decision on this point, and then take responsibility for that decision.
Everyone has the right to choose, but just remember, that work can be and should be a reflection of what we are able to do to contribute to the world. Our work can and should be a way of feeling productive, alive and helpful to others around us and to those who work with us!
So whichever way you choose, own up to it and make it the best situation possible, engage emotionally and physically in your life, through work and/or family with few regrets in the end, because only then will you truly be able to say that you lived your life your way and you had a blast doing it!!
Peace, Love and Nature
Your local Hiking Hippie, Life Coaching #1 Fan!
An interesting read, thank you! I couldn’t agree more!