Good morning. I was thinking yesterday about listening and acting on things. You know what I am talking about, listening to your intuition, your gut, your inner self. The problem is most of us don’t trust ourselves enough to actually listen and then act upon what we hear, to move forward. Instead, we just push it to the side and maybe say “that will never happen”, or, “I must really be out there thinking that”, or, maybe even “I’m not good enough for that outcome” ……
However, there is beauty and lots of empowerment when we actually learn to listen to that whisper of your inner self!
Let’s think practically about this for a minute. When you are in a noisy room, filled with music, or lots of people, kids or movies and you feel you have to speak to someone in front of you, but it is hard because it is so loud, do you yell at them so they can hear you over the other “noise”, or, do you move closer to the person you are wanting to talk to and whisper in their ear, so they can actually hear you?
I for one whisper, because I do not think it is necessary to yell over the other “noises” to add to the confusion on what is going on… I choose to create more calm and to get my point across directly to the person I am talking to personally. Do you see what I am getting at here?
The person in front of me is listening to my whisper, I am taking the time to get that idea across through the “noises” via a whisper to another (for us both equally important), so why the hell don’t we all listen to the whisper from within? The point is, sometimes a whisper is more important than the loud overwhelming idea or thought that is being pushed violently or intensely to get a point across. If we as EMPOWERED people want to hear the message, no matter where it is coming from, we can always tune into the whisper.
Let’s jump in for a minute… what is it you listen to, what is it you are asking for, how do I know which voice or messages I listen to, because a lot of them make me feel afraid!
I say listen to most of them and allow yourself to sit with them for a minute… to actually “feel the whisper”. You will learn over time that once you start to “hear it” you will know that it, (your inner voice) is speaking truths. How will you know? Well, it is different for everybody, I think but…. Once you hear “it” and what it has to say, you will learn to feel a sense of calm that comes over you, and all the rest of the voices, noises, ideas, and craziness will fade away into nothingness. Yes, I know, I know, it took a while for me to practice this daily, but, once I got it, I got it and I now feel that sense of calm when it comes to my inner self talk a lot. I am confident you can too!
Funny thing is once you start to see this you will start to feel more at peace and trust your inner voice with confidence, even if something seems way out there, you will just KNOW it is RIGHT!!!
Wait for it there is more….
Once you learn to listen to your inner self you can start riding the Wave of Life for REAL! and…. Wait for it… We all deserve that.
It is funny how listening to our inner voice and riding the waves of life are so intertwined. You listen to your inner voice; you do extra ordinary things and you are then available to ride the waves of success, while practicing listening and stillness, rather than resisting and creating chaos.
While our lives a constantly moving, and while we as a human race are constantly being pushed in many, many, directions by the universe (I know that’s a whole other blog, stay with me here) we can and do often find ourselves in a place where frankly, we don’t want to be. However, what if we think of it slightly differently and learn to think that I am right here, right now, as this wave will eventually take me to the place I intended to be, and so I must learn from this ride? I know crazy right? Further, if that is the case, and if the wave is fluidly moving us, doesn’t that mean that maybe, just maybe, this wave, even though it is taking us in a strange pattern is smoother, because we are not fighting it, and if you forgot what “it” is, let me rereminded you, it is the inner fight. I mean, if I put it bluntly, when you ride your waves, your life can evolve naturally and with less effort, most of the time, than if you fight it, which reality is… bringing you back to listening to your inner self, and trusting we know, instead of fighting, because eventually we come back to, I should have listened to my gut… Aww, ok, see this is flowing here guys is it coming together a bit more? LOL
I tell my clients and friends all the time nothing stays the same…. Things either go up or down, but never level (and reality is, if they stay level all the time, I would be worried for sure). But the point of this blog is to show that, if you resist that change or wave pattern, to make it what you think should be – which is way different than what you know to be btw (society teaches us that… living outside the box is the lesson) then you are very likely to be pulled under, or away from everything that is meant to be, which comes down to BEING YOU IN THE MOMENT full of EMPOWERMENT.
Trying to move against the flow makes you feel like you have no control (I am not talking society ideas here I am talking about YOU). Keep moving forward, resist certain things as a losing battle and look at it as a learning lesson – for moving to a place of higher self, and you will then begin to flow more clearly via your voice and your direction, without using too much of the craziness that is created by loud noises and or rouge waves!
Remember at first it can be difficult to learn to listen to that intuition, your gut, your inner self BUT…. You may find that life begins to get a little quieter, a little more fluid and certainly a lot more calming and relaxing once you start going with YOUR flow and allowing YOUR LIFE to form more clearly, as only YOU and your intuition, your gut, your inner self knows it should be!
Peace and Happiness