Seems that our lives right now are like something out of a movie, which we don’t have full control over. On some level I agree, but on other levels, I call bullshit!

Reality is we all have the power within us to decide what is working and what is not working and how to make changes to create our desired life full of dreams. goals and purposes.

We all have a choice to accept our lives as they are and to continue on its current path or to take the steps to raise our capabilities!

Reality is no matter what you have been told or shown…. You have a choice in your life, and it is called EMPOWERMENT!

We all should have something to reach for.  Goals are something that we strive for, that we have to work at, to reach our Dreams!  When we take the time to set goals for ourselves and we take steps towards completing our goals then and only then will we reach our dreams! But an important reminder is… having a goal makes us as humans feel good because it gives us a purpose to creating “our” own perfect life!

Part of creating our own goals is putting into motion the steps to reaching your Dreams! This is called Manifesting, and this is very EMPOWERING for oneself to reach one’s dreams!

But there is another thing you need to do when checking in with self and that is knowing what your purpose is (or at least working on figuring it out) and moving towards that purpose with goal setting and EMPOWERING of ONESELF.

Humans to some degree or another are born with a purpose.  Mostly to survive, but there is more to it! I for one know my purpose is to have fun and to make a difference by living outside the box, while EMPOWERING self and others! It took me a long time to figure out my purpose… why… because humans are not necessary born knowing exactly what their purpose here on earth is.

The point here is that Purpose, Goals and Dreams bring meaning to our lives. All of which come through our intentions and the choices we make to live the BEST life we can by following our Dreams towards, joy love and happiness!!!

As individuals we do not need to be given permission to live our dream life, we only need to believe in ourselves and to EMPOWER our personal purposes!

It is important to remember that you can always stop that which is not working for or serving you towards living your best life. Getting rid of toxic situations that do not serve you is ok. As you make the changes you need while checking in with self, will show you that you can EMPOWER yourself through positive thoughts, setting goals and living your purposeful life you are destined to live!!

Taking the time to check in with yourself and acknowledging that you are responsible for your condition and all that you do and receive, will move you further towards your BEST LIFE!!

Peace and Happiness