When we begin to be thankful for being alive and living the life we are living then and only then will we actually become truly grateful.

I don’t know about you but I on a daily basis a. thankful for the many blessings, awesome people and incredible things that make up my life.  But there is another part to this.  That “other part” is being thankful for just simply being here on this planet alive and living without anything else attached to it.

Being grateful for the sheer experience of living is itself should be the biggest part of your gratitude daily.

But here is the deal.  I found out long ago it is very very difficult for most of us to do this.  We all get to caught up in the daily craziness of life to take the time to do this.    So, unfortunately most only take the time to feel gratitude when it serves their desires, but the funny thing is this is then not true thankfulness.

None of us is immune from the craziness’s of life which could at any time, take all the things we care about, like possessions, situations, and people we love away from us.  But ironically enough it is when these things are lost that we are enlightened to see that being thankful for everything goes deeper than just being grateful when everything is peachy.

We should be thankful for being alive at all times even when things go awry.

So, I guess the reason for this blog is to help enlighten or reminds you that we as humans do not have to wait for something to go wrong to experience a way of being truly thankful for our lives.

Practice living in the NOW, tune into your breath and make the effort every day to be thankful for being alive, no matter what is happening and then and only then you might just find true gratitude!

Remember to take the time to feel in the now, be thankful for the moment and to be grateful for all of your life adventures for each on of these, good or bad make you into the person you are today, tight now in the moment!

Peace and Happiness