As many of you may or may not know I just got back from an 11-day backpacking trip and boy was I exhausted!  I needed a vacation after my “vacation”.

Most people think that relaxation is best during a vacation or outside of the main house.  But the problem is most of us spend months setting expectations for our vacation away from home and then it doesn’t measure up or maybe it does, but it is still usually exhausting coming home!

Ok so vacations in my opinion are great but, what if you turn your home into an instant vacation place when your around for months at a time?  I do this this a lot especially every time I get back from a work weekend.

The feeling of peace and quiet and just being that you enjoy during a vacation happen because you plan it and let it happen it’s like going with the flow!  Come one we all give ourselves permission to enjoy ourselves on vacation…. But the news flash here is you can do this at home too!!

Try allowing yourself the same peace and enjoyment while at home, and experience relaxation – you deserve it.

Alright I know what you’re thinking that your home is distracting blah blah blah.  I agree but if you allow yourself to take a Stay Vacation and throw out the ideas that since your home you must clean or do this or do that then it is possible!!

I for one have a rule in my house that everyone knows about!  When I finish up a weekend retreat or come home from a work trip, I pretty much stay in the house mostly in my room and just chill for 24-26 hours.  No computer (well maybe a movie or two), no cleaning and definitely NO work.  It’s just like vacation but at home!  To be honest it is actually ore relaxing than a vacation because I have my own bed… my own towels (which I love) and a kitchen that is full stocked! Yup no brainer there.

All responsibilities are put aside while I enjoy my peace and quiet that’s comes from just being, relaxing and sleeping between movies or a good book!

We all deserve to take “me time” and for self-care even during the middle of the week sometimes.  So, if you cannot get away on a vacation then please take a staycation here and there. You will thank me for the idea I promise!!


Peace and Happiness