Lets all work on finding the light during these crazy times of darkness and work towards making our future more incredible.

There is a lot of loneliness out in the world right now.  Your neighbor, best friend, mother, father, kids and yes even yourself. How do we help others with this?

Well looks at the basic.  We as humans are social people who crave one on one encounters with others.  Conversations, hugs, smiles and yes direct eye contact.  As of late all of this socialness ha been taken away in one form or another and therefore our spirits have been disrupted!  Reality is most people are not even getting the bare necessities of social connections and as such depression and loneliness is taking a grip and taking it strongly!!!

So how do you cope with feeling lonely?  Make an effort to create art, even coloring with your kids, Have a spontaneous dance party and blast the music loud or go for a walk out in Nature (Nature heals on so many levels).  Call a friend on the phone and go outside and walk around describing your setting to your friend and vise versa so you get a sense of other spaces vividly even though you’re not there. It will be just like you are on a walk or hike with your friends it can be powerful for sure!

Send funny videos to others, a simple text saying, “Hey fellow human how’s things hanging”.  There is not right or wrong just reach out!!! Talk about the weather, how you saw a great movie or a neighbor doing something new and fun.  Talk about your favorite vacation from the past or one you will take in the future.  DO NOT talk bad news talk good, fun and exciting news.  I personally have been talking about my new garden!  The point here is reach out talk about good and let’s help each other feel less lonely!

Coping with our times right now is important. Try the above things and get some ideas from friends too, ask for their successful actions of fighting loneliness.

Reality is we are all in this together whether we like it or not, so let’s start working together!  Wishing and helping each other all battle during these crazy times!

Peace and Happiness!


Nature Connection Coach

ps…Please know that I am around at all times!  Reach out for a session – a phone call, zoom chat, a virtual hike maybe?  Are you ready to start moving forward with your visions? Are you ready for emotion or Nature filled support?  If you are struggling monetarily let me know, we can work something out!  I am here to be in service!
You can message me, email me, call me, zoom me or text me:)