Happy Hikers Fitness retreats are coming up fast….
Los Angeles
Sept 20, 2018 is in Los Angeles… We will be hiking in Malibu and the Santa Monica Mountains. Both locations are near and dear to my heart – I found my love for the outdoors in these locations! During this retreat we focus on lots of Hiking for sure
September 27, 2018 in Cottage Grove, Oregon. If you have never been to Oregon to visit you are totally missing out! Just check out the comments made by past guests on our web site – Happyhikersfitness.com! There is green and water (Rivers and Waterfalls) and beauty everywhere adventure takes you!! During this retreat we not only focus on hiking but also on Yoga and Meditation to step up the reconnecting to YOU!
Since these weekend retreats are fast approaching I wanted to talk about how CHANGE is GOOD
Change is difficult and scary I get it I promise. Reality is we as humans, are creatures of habit and anything that disrupts our daily life and the routines that we have set up for ourselves is often seen as ‘scary’, “bad”, ‘unnecessary’ and filled with fear… well at least in the beginning…
OK, let’s think about that for a minute…. whether you are reading this on your phone, while commuting to work, or on the computer at home or in the office, I know one thing is happening right now – You are thinking about what you just read. Yes, think about it… change is difficult, but, it’s important to acknowledge that and then decide to take action. Because it is doable… You have done it a million times in your life and so I promise you can do it!
Now if you are thinking: How do I break a cycle and make a change to better my health and fitness… CONGRATULATIONS you have taken the first step! You are ready to start!
Here’s the trick…it all starts with thinking about your future, based on your current actions and making the decision to change. Think about your future self and visualize how you would feel if you made the changes that you wanted and then start. This can be a powerful motivator to make a change, not a change for instant gratification, but rather a change for your long-term goals. This is all about you and your LIFE and want your GOALS are!
Don’t forget to think about the future rewards from the positive changes you can make in behaviors and actions too. It is important to understand that by making changes and including taking ‘me time’, will not only help you feel better about you, it will set a good example for your family. YUP true statement!
There is one sure way to start… unplug for a little, spend some time in nature, do something you love, surrounded yourself with like-minded individuals who are also ready for change and you will find yourself improving your health and fitness quite easily. You might be surprised how your ew and improved way of seeing things will undoubtedly help you live a happier life, get along better with others and make new connections that you never knew you were capable of with your future you! Sounds great right!
OK so here it comes, the questions of the day, are you ready to make a change for yourself… right now? Are you ready to commit to finding a healthier, happier you? If you even remotely think you are, then now is the time to start! Time to act!
Hire a Life Coach, talk to a family member to help keep you focused, hire a trainer or sign up for a 4-day Happy Hikers Fitness retreat weekend, to help you start on your journey to a more fit, healthy, happy, and energetic YOU TODAY! Any of these is better than not moving forward and remember you are in charge of your future you CAN do it!
Peace out!
p.s. if you have not yet done so please sign up for our newsletter at Happyhikersfitness.com