Ever feel like you’re trapped in a hamster wheel, running full speed but going nowhere? Yeah, me too. Sometimes, life gets so intense it’s like trying to solve a puzzle… underwater… while blindfolded. Spoiler alert: it doesn’t work. We get caught in our heads, replaying the same thoughts like a bad movie we watched when we were kids over and over and over, and suddenly, boom! We’re more confused than ever and haven’t accomplished a darn thing.

I know recently my brain feels like it’s buffering, which is a definite sign of you know, the whole mental, emotional, or physical “Uh, hello? Are you okay?” signals.

But have I been paying attention recently? Nope. I urge you to do a check in with yourself right now…. I’ll wait😊

Did you say to yourself – I’m too busy adulting, trying to keep everything together, running around like caffeinated squirrels?  Are you one skipped meal away from a meltdown. I’m right there with you! But here’s the deal.

What’s really happening is that our inner self is waving a giant, neon “PAUSE” sign, begging for some Self-Care, a time out or two and maybe even some Forest Bathing! And guess what? Its OK! We all need it from time to time!

Now, here’s where it gets fun. We think taking a break means slacking off. Newsflash: it’s the opposite! Imagine your mind as a smartphone that’s been running a million apps for days on end. What happens? Yep, it freezes. What do we do? We restart it. The same applies to us. Taking a moment to recharge is like giving yourself a mental software update. Spend a few minutes walking outside (bonus points if you befriend a random squirrel), do a quick yoga pose (even if you fall over), meditate, go into the forest and just sit and take deep breaths or just sit in a tub and relax like it’s the most fascinating thing in the world. NEWS FLASH: it actually is.

And while you’re doing all of this, something magical happens. Suddenly, your brain hits “reset,” and those tiny little stresses—the ones that were making you feel like you were carrying the weight of the universe on your back—start to lessen. Like, seriously. You realize that the stuff keeping you up at 3 a.m.? Not so catastrophic after all. You finally get some room in that beautiful mind of yours to focus on what really matters.  You’re now ready once again to handle the important stuff in a calm, Zen-like way that would make anyone jealous.

Honestly, stepping back from the chaos is like gifting yourself a mental spa day. The issues weighing you down? Poof. They get lighter. And the wisdom of the universe? Oh yeah, it’ll start whispering sweet answers in your ear. (Who knew the universe was such a chatterbox?)

So next time your brain’s glitching, give it a breather. Trust me—your future self will thank you with a high-five and a victorious “LOL.”

Peace, Happiness and NatureHeals®