There is a famous saying “you never know until you try” is an amazing rule of thumb to follow as an adult!  I’m not sure about you, but I learned long ago that I do not want to say, I regret not try new things at the end of my life…

Whether you realize it or not, most of us spend the majority of our day doing things we have already done hundreds of times before. Very rarely do people actually for the experience. But what if you made it a point to do exactly that? There are many benefits to doing new things – don’t cheat yourself out of them.

We use this theory and concept on kids so why not for ourselves.  It might be good for us too, you know!

I am blogging about this because I think it is important to remember that it is ok to try new things.  You can learn something from a new experience😊and frankly it may be worth it!

There are benefits of trying new things.

Is it time to try new things and engaging in experiences that can reinvent your thrill for life with energy and excitement.

The benefits of trying new things are:

  • Overcoming fear; and
  • Getting to know yourself better

Some people ask me what could this statement apply too?  Well my thoughts are this…

  • Try a new food;
  • Travel across town on the bus;
  • Try playing or watching a new sport; or
  • Maybe even a trying a new hair color.

Listen, simply put you may not love everything you try but you might just find something of use.  You may love the new food item or sport, but you will never know until you try it.

Lets think more about this subject for a minute.  What things have you not tried because it was not in your “norm” and so you walked or ran right past it?

Before going on try making a list of anything you thought of.

Now make a list from the above items which you are now willing to try because of reading this short blog.

Set out to try them all.

Remember, if you don’t like something you try, like the bus ride…. No worries move on to the next and then the next.

There is only one way to find out and that is to try things, explore, experiment, etc. Then and only then will you know.

Isn’t it time to start moving forward and start trying new things so you can have no regrets when it comes to new adventures?

Peace and Happiness