Like everyone else, I am sure, my life has been a bit of a blur the last month (well maybe several but who’s counting).  I have been dealing with having to put down my dog Sunny, who has been in my life for 9 years, getting the farm ready for winter (yes, it is a thing and a time-consuming big thing btw, that repeats every change of season), helping my dad out, and well working, working, working (and yes if you know me, that’s not an understatement) and much, much, more…

With all of this and everything else going on I have forgotten to take time for me.  Yup, I admit it and I know this is a big no-no since I preach this to all my friends and clients all the time.

Does this sound familiar?  Have you been taking time?

Sometimes we feel like we are going nowhere, which in reality, is not true, but it sure feels like that sometimes. Right? I mean self-reflection is the way to see just how much we have to work on, but more importantly how much we have actually gotten done in your life.  And you know what, this is so important to moving forward and finding peace and happiness that it CAN NOT be ignored.

Yesterday I was talking, and it hit me like a ton of bricks that, even I have forgotten to ensure my reflection time gets done. But it does not stop there.  I have recently forgotten to prioritize a few things, like rest (actually laying my body down and resting), reflection, art (which is a big thing for me) and my personal writing (which helps me to reconnect and stay somewhat sane LOL).

Anyone reading this in the same boat?  I know I cannot be alone here…

Let’s be real people, these are important things.  Rest is a foundational habit that helps all of us, to do everything else and then reflection helps us all to learn from all the happenings of our lives, and pushes us in a direction we want to go in our journey of life.

Now, since I am writing this, I will admit that I LOVE time to myself (yup I know don’t pass out), without anything or anyone around sometimes, to just take a few moments and reflect on my life, what is going on and how and where it is going.  I take time to talk to myself (yup I do that to), to reflect on the happenings of my life and if they are serving me, I think about what I am struggling with, how I am feeling, what I need to change or fix to get on track for my own personal dreams, and yes, to think about all the things I am grateful for too, because these are the best thoughts ever and make me smile from ear to ear.  Can you relate?  I am sure you can, and I know that most of you love these things too!

So, I guess, I really am pointing out here (like the title suggests) that to be able to reflect on all of life’s ups and downs, twists, and turns and to find solutions and be grateful for it all we MUST all find time to create space for reflection time. 

Of course, there are many ways to do this, sit in a quiet room in solitude, go for a road trip (one of my favs), or my favorite taking a walk in or just BEING in nature with all of its healing, as the cherry on top!

The key point is find the TIME, I like to do this first thing in the morning or just before sunset, ok I admit it I watch the sunset go down from my front yard, at least 4 nights a week so this is a good way for me, but these times are when my brain can actually slow down and reflect, you may find another time better but there is a right time. 

There are many ways of spending time reflecting by the way.  I always suggest meditation and contemplation, journaling and pondering, walking in nature, and taking brain notes (yup brain notes). But there are other ways too, like talking to yourself out loud (yup this is a thing), Breathing exercises, reading, making a list of what things you are grateful for, yoga class and well maybe even a Brain Dump or two (though these last two are a bit of a stretch in my opinion).

Remember, to stop moving blindly through life not thinking about what you are doing or have done and start consciously reflecting on what you have been doing, where you are wanting to go and what you have accomplished to get you this far.

Isn’t it time for you to find time for reflection, and all the things you would like to create?


Peace and Happiness