Do You Find You Have Too Many Things To Do and Not Enough Time To Do Them?
Seems like this is me recently! I have so much to do, but, I just don’t seem to have enough time to do them all. Of course this is very comical, because it is not like the amount of “time” … we all have changes, we don’t get more “time” from one day to the next.
There are a few solutions though that can help! Here are the steps I recommend –
Make a list of daily things that need to be done – I call this list my Daily Battle Plan (BP for short). This is done by simply making a daily battle plan and turning that daily battle plan into doable steps (or targets) to get done (this can also be done weekly and then broken down daily) which then turns into forward progress and completed actions!
I know that this is easy to say and harder to do, but, once you start doing this, it will seem like you are finding more time in the day. Funny how this works, but it is as simple as one step at a time!
Remember, this will take a few days to get used to, but, once you do, it will be a real help.
Simplify – After you make your BP you might realize there are too many targets, that are just not realistically going to get done for the day so you might need to cross some of them off – Here is an example: if a target on your BP is … 1. Rebuild the engine in my car, you will quickly realize you are not going to “rebuild the engine in my car” in one day, but, you can simplify this. On your BP, break this down and make the first target – clean the engine and get rid of accumulated dirt, grime and grease. This will then allow you to complete this target to then move on to the next and so on. See Simplify!!
Another part of simplifying is, once you start something on your BP, do not leave it for later to come back to, because then you will just have to spend the time to start this step all over again and so you are spending double time on it. Key point right here: Once a target is started, complete that target – this works in life too by the way! Here’s another easy example of how this works. You start answering an email, but you stop mid way through to go get something to eat. By the time you come back to the email you have to start again at the beginning to re-read the original email, then re-reading your partial answer and then finish answering that email and then … finally sending that email. See it took you twice as long. I know it happens, but just work on finishing an action once it is started, which will result in less wasted time and, in reality, will give you more time to do other things! See, I just showed you how to create more time in any given day- LOL!!
Remember, for the first few days that you do your BP with a simplified version, you need to pay attention to the things you are doing during the day that might not be helping you complete everything. I for one, found that I used to spend way too much time watching videos on FB, when, in fact, that time could have been spent completing a step or two on my Daily Battle Plan. So to simplify (and to not deprive LOL) I limit myself to 3 quick videos a day on FB postings. Yup, that made a big difference right there!
I hope these steps here can and will help you simplify things that you need to get done daily so you have time to relax, maybe get outside … read a book.
I know that one of the biggest frustrations many people feel is having too many things to do and not enough time to do them which then makes them feel overwhelmed, which then turns into their being frustrated about life….
The above 2 steps can at least help get rid of the idea that there is not enough time and will in fact turn your day into a series of simplified steps of completed targets which then will make you feel you accomplished many things!
Oh and a side note here…. Learn to let some things slide! If you can not fit it into today’s BP its ok! Take the time to get the Daily BP working and then you can take these concepts a step further and create a Weekly Battle plan and then break that down into daily targets on your daily BP. See how that works…
Peace, Love and Nature
Your local Hiking Hippie, Life Coaching #1 Fan!