A Mantra

This is a Sanskrit word which comes from two base words “man” and “tra.” “Man” is the mind or the thought and “tra” is a sort of tool by which you can use something. A mantra are words which we can use as a powerful tool for our thoughts and manifestations. Mantras are usually used in meditation, to increase concentration. A mantra can be a word, or a phrase or even a sound like “Om” which is repeated several times.

How Do They Function?

Mantras work to help is us in many ways.  First of all, a mantra in its most basic form is used to help focus the mind, and in its natural state, our mind is available to go through a lot of information rapidly, never settling on one thing. This wreaks havoc on our concentration. But chanting a mantra, we can quiet the mind which helps us in focusing.

Secondly, mantras are used as a law of attraction. The kind of energy which you actively seek is the kind of power that you will get. When you repeat the same mantra over and over again, you are seeking the energy vibrations of the things which you are speaking. And thus, you are going to be able to interact it in real life.

What Are Money Mantras? 

A money mantra is a short, powerful statement that you create and declare out loud to attract wealth and abundance in your life. This concise affirmation states the big picture concerning your prosperity and should be repeated many times daily.

Here Is My Personal Money Mantra 😊

I am aligned with the energy and wealth of abundance.  I attract wealth naturally and the whole universe and mankind is conspiring to make me prosperous and abundant on many levels.  It is my birthright to live with abundance and therefore I let go of all resistance of not living with abundance and I am ok with letting abundance come to me naturally.

I am in a state of abundant love and joy in my life and I am free to do whatever it is I wish to do.   I am now available to attracting and having abundance of money, health and great people in my life.

I deserve the abundance of all kinds in life.

BAM… now go and write yours

Peace and Happiness