Anyone who knows me knows that I love how NatureHeals® and that today I might just be admitting how I  love using LOL almost as much as I love Nature. Then it hit me that maybe I should combine the two in a blog just because I can… LOL

Into the woods for some LOLs

Going out into the great outdoors, meaning NATURE, isn’t just defined to dodging trees; Reality is, it’s the great escape for our tired brains. When you are among all the greenery, you will find quiet time for your mind, which is like a timeout of sorts, possibly the best time is just before diving into the next set of life challenges. The colors of the flowers makes your soul smile, and the fresh air has no choice but to help invigorate your lungs like that of a good coffee in the morning.  The point I’m trying to get across here is that Nature’s healing and relief doesn’t just stop at the occasional rustling of leaves—it extends to the rejuvenation of our mental state of mind. It is calming, eye opening, relaxing, cleansing and well I could go on, but I think you get the point.

Good Vibes in Nature – try incorporating some LOLs.

Sometimes you just have to say F*** It and start LOLing your way to a sane moment or two! I mean life is hard sometimes and reality is there are times when laughing is the only way to move on… The alternative is crying for hours on end and that’s no fun. But there is some good news, Nature is the ultimate Zen master, schooling us in the art of chilling out. Nature enables us to move through things to the other side (which is a feat in itself), stress becomes yesterday’s news because we allow in the LOLs scenes of nature to move forward. Let’s think about this, chipmunks doing stand-up or a squirrel with a flair for the dramatic, a bird following you for miles on the trail or perhaps your dog just laying down and rolling in the snow. It all makes you smile on some level! Studies even show that kiddos even win with a dose of nature by improving attention spans, connecting with the others and learning new things. I mean this right here should be enough to show how turning the great outdoors into a natural remedy for our chaotic thoughts is worth it. 

Search under the night sky filled with stars.

Nature, with its sensory smorgasbord, deepens our connection with the inner self. Imagine your soul having a laughter session with a babbling brook or a chorus of birds. The delightful smells of the trees and flowers serve as aromatherapy for the soul, introducing us to NATUREHEALS® at its best – beauty that’s straight-up LOL-worthy.

So, let’s face it folks, nature isn’t just a backdrop; it’s the ultimate healer, while allowing a daily dose of chuckles. Our bodies get a calming massage as our blood pressure takes a chill pill, heart rates find a stable rhythm, and stress hormones play hide-and-seek through the laughter we find!

In the concrete jungle of the urban century, investing time in nature isn’t just a luxury; it’s a LOL-driven necessity. The mind, body, and soul finds eternal peace under the trees and in open spaces. Positive energy gets a laughter-induced boost, allowing us to tackle life with a smile. So, let’s trade some craziness of everyday life for a little bit of a nature-induced LOL-a-thon, and watch as happiness and health become our trusty companions on this adventure called life.

Peace, Happiness and NatureHeals®
