Wait what exactly is a “Sound Bath”?

Your probably scratching your head on this one, I know I was when I was first invited years ago. So here is what the promo for the event stated:

“A Sound Bath is a surprising and delightful 90 min experience of a deep journey into sacred sound. You lie down and feel a refreshing bath of vibration, including planetary tuned gongs, crystal singing bowls and a wide variety of other ancient sound-healing instruments. Once the room is engulfed with this ancient cosmic vibration, everyone will take part in a journey they will not soon forget.

Sound Healing is so effective because it influences our emotional bodies as well as our physical bodies. Different sound vibrations interact with our physical and energetic bodies in beneficial ways:

Activates Higher States of Consciousness

Unlocks Blocked Emotions

Relieves Anxiety and Stress

Induces Complete Relaxation

Promotes Deep Meditation

Heightens Clarity

Improves Ability to Concentrate

Relieves Insomnia

Decreases Depression

Normalizes Blood Pressure

Relieves Physical Pain

Release Emotional Trauma

presented by

Guy Douglas”

OK I know that says it all but what is it like? Here is my account from my first sound bath many years ago.

I arrived with my son and 2 friends. We set up our mats in a room that was normally set up for Yoga and yes it was quit cozy. I could tell this was going to be a full room. Think what it would be like to line up yoga mats in your living room and then imagine people lying on them head to toe with no extra floor space… that’s what it was like. I was getting a bit nervous about how this was going to play out but I was going to stick it out!

We were all asked to lie down heads facing the equipment. I covered up with a blanket and my eye pillow pads and tried my darndest to relax. The room got very quite and still and then it began. The sound, music, vibrations and/or gongs (whatever you want to call it) took over. My body relaxed and I fell into a relaxation I have not felt in a long while… calmness overcame me. This was great! Very cool that some sounds would vibrate in my ears and some would just kind of float over me as if I flying while others made me feel like I was sitting on the most beautiful beach in the middle of the ocean.

 At one point somewhere in the middle (I think…) I got an intense pain in my back where my kidneys are and then after about 20 seconds it was gone as fast as it had appeared. Now I am not sure what that meant other than I am convinced the vibrations broke up a kidney stone or two. No no-one claims that this “Sound Bath” can do this. I’m going with it though since I know what I felt…

 After about an hour or so the last bells were rung and we were asked to sit up do a few breathing ohms and off we went back to our lives.

So the outcome of my first time experience of a Sound Bath was awesome. I felt relaxed, I enjoyed the sound and I definitely slept great after. So I guess the moral of this story is don’t knock it until you try it.

Remember to get outside take it all in and make someone smile!

Peace and Happiness!