Do you stay positive throughout the day or week or throughout Life?  I think it is safe to say words and ideas shape our lives and drive us to do what we do every day.  Now if this is the case then let’s take it one step further and safely say that words then have the ability to move us towards us to failure, success or to our happy place.

Come on think about this for a minute.  If you have a good outlook and you use words like “I got this”, or I am a bad ass”, or “I love my life”, or “today was a great day” (despite shortcomings) you will begin to create great outcomes and achieve the things you strive for because you believe in yourself more and more each time you say something life the above statements.

How you think and feel and speak about yourself and your life has a huge effect on your ability to see that YES you can do it!!!

Here’s a great example.  I recently did a very hard and long backpacking trip, yup I admit it was hard.  But when I would come up against those walls called self- doubt, and you-suck I would take a deep breath and tell myself I was a bad ass and that I was a warrior that would not fail!  And you know what I instantly popped out of the self-doubt and I suck world and moved into a stronger, more determined backpacker who was ready for any challenge step by step.

When you stay positive you will feel more in control and less overwhelmed!  Now I am not saying to not take on challenges and things that are hard.  I am just saying that staying positive in almost all situations can and will help you become stronger, more productive and less of a failure for sure!

Staying positive also shows yourself and others that you can be successful in anything you do!  Another funny thing happens… you will start to relax and look for solutions rather then dwell in the sucking, impossible tasks of life.

There is a common saying out there “force yourself to smile and you will soon find yourself smiling” same goes for being positive.  Force it and it will happen!

Being positive also moves you closer to a successful happier you.  Are you ready for that?

Peace and Happiness!