Hey everyone!  At some point we are all searching for that extra something in our life, you know what I mean that “something extra” that makes you happy.  The problem is… I always hear people say that when they find that “something” they will then finally be happy!

I call BS.  Sure, that “extra something” can make you happy at first but does it last? Is there always going to be that next “extra something” to make you happy?

Here is the truth and yes, I don’t mind breaking it to you…  “Extra somethings” do not dictate your happiness. Reality is Happiness is created and is earned by good habits, which help maintain your happiness every single day!

Here are some things that I have found most happy people seem to GET!!!

  • Happy people get enough sleep – when you sleep your brain recharges not enough sleep releases bad hormones. I think happy people make sleep a priority because they know the importance of sleep on happiness.
  • Happy people take the time to slow down and enjoy the simple things in life – Happy people have figured out how to appreciate the little things in life and not get caught up in the craziness’s of life that really in the long run mean nothing!
  • Happy people get outside or into the gym to exercise – Happy People have figured out that moving their bodies release good things in your brain which help to keep them focused! It increases your mood!
  • Happy people spend time with others – When one can invest in others via either money or time then they are happier than spending on themselves! Taking the time to help people not only makes you happy, it makes others happy too!
  • Happy people surround themselves with good people, stay positive and ditch the toxic ones – Happy people have figured out that by surrounding themselves with other happy people raises happiness, creativity and fun times! Getting rid of toxic people makes you happier as you are not needing to be a part of the negativity present! Staying positive and not complaining makes for more happiness by taking the time for reflecting on everything they are grateful for!
  • Happy people take the time to be happy – Happy people actually take the time to make themselves happy. They work at it…. No one is happy all the time, so it takes work! Investing in Happiness and with the right habit’s life becomes greater!

Peace and Happiness