My first coaching session with Wendy literally created a life changing shift in me that is nothing short of miraculous. Words cannot express the deep gratitude I feel for her invaluable services.
Thank you! J.R.
“Home from a fantastic time near Eugene, OR experiencing a Happy Hikers Event”
“Wendy Shugar and Oregon Happy Hikers is da bomb! Oregon is off the Charts” Wendy Shugar is awesome! Her business is taking people out into nature and coaches them. Check out her website and make an appointment today!

Wendy went above and beyond my expectations (though I tried not to have any going into it…). Everything about the retreat was fabulous. Thank you, Wendy Shugar for sharing your love of Sedona with us and turning us on to those fabulous hikes. tl

“Great all time adventures for me! Great people, food, hiking, yoga, nutritional information, cardio/strength work out”

Yay! What I loved about Wendy’s talk is how it frees up her time to focus on the really important parts of her business (Which is to teach people how to have fun and still get stuff done!) s.c.

“It was amazing hikes with amazing people. Thank you Wendy and Happy Hikers!!

Can’t even describe how amazing Wendy Shugar owner of
Retreat to Sedona, AZ was! This picture shows the love and gratitude I have for her. Thank you Wendy for pushing me outside my comfort zone and creating a retreat that was filled with so many new things I have not tried but so glad I did! Forever grateful to you❤️🥰🙏 — with Wendy Shugar at Bell Rock Trail Sedona AZ. CP

“So much fun!!!!”
“I really hadn’t realized how stuck I was. Frozen in fear of what’s happening in our world and waiting for the next shoe to drop I put a temporary smile on my face with unhealthy food, played games on my phone and rolled my eyes often in order to cope. Or so I thought. My clothes got tighter, and I unhealthier, yet I was in complete denial. Saying YES to a trip to Oregon for a weekend of reconnecting with life through the Happy Hikers Program was a very wise move."
"Every minute doing the program – hiking, workouts, yoga, meditation – I felt myself slowly reawakening which is a curious feeling- makes you want to LAUGH OUT LOUD. I did, often. Perhaps it was the copious amount of oxygen in the air, or the healthy meals which were super delicious and satisfying prepared by Wendy Shugar. Or the brilliance that both Cameron Klein and John Yohman radiate not only as trainers but as really down to earth, cool people who both metaphorically and literally held our hands through the entire process in an effortless way. Or the loving hospitality from both Wendy and Zachary Shugar who opened their home, their kitchen, their workout/yoga yurt, their crystal garden, their hearts and so much more to make all of this happen. The words THANK YOU really don’t suffice but I’ll say it anyway. Please know that all of you are making the change we need to see in this world, THANK YOU!"
It wasn’t only me who came back to life but every single person on this adventure blossomed right before my eyes. We were all stuck, in some way or another, and together we awoke. We collected tons of happy points in the Real Game of Life. I heard more than one person say that this experience was the best thing that has ever happened to them. That is pretty mind blowing. Namaste.”

I am so grateful…I had an opportunity to retreat into Sedona for her vortexes, nature’s red rock Grace, women’s bonding, yoga, laughs, depth, and so much compassion and Love. Together we get to sit in our silence of what self love is truly about. We must love ourself so deeply and go into that journey, but the power comes from sisters. Women need women (no exceptions & no excuses). We cannot show up for ourselves with bonding friendships to accelerate our hearts without force or fight. I love myself first and I love permission to Be. Thank you Wendy Shugar and Amanda for being leaders and guides for living a fun, playful, fearless, and authentic life. I plan to go back to Sedona for fun and to host retreats .Such a great time! Love Wendy Shugar firm and loving push to go for it. So inspiring. 🌟🌟🌟💛💛💛 🧡🧡🧡 KM

“If you like to hike and work out while laughing and having fun with great people then I’ll see you in July”
“Thanks to Wendy Shugar for putting together such a fun weekend”
“Wendy is such a wonderful guide on the trail!! Than you for volunteering your time to help wellness group at Mariposa School of Global Educational, hike this weekend”
“Love Happy Hikers Fitness Weekends!!!! It is a great way to jump start, restart, or begin fitness routine! Actually back in gym and having fun after a year off. Always positive, encouraging trainers. Can’t wait for next Fitness Weekend!!!”
“Happy Hikers has been such a great inspiration for me! I never thought I could do some of the things I can now do!! I love that Happy Hikers is for all levels and you don’t have to feel intimidated. Everyone moves at their own level and pace and gets amazingly stronger every time! If you’re looking for hiking fitness to feel better physically then I highly recommend Happy Hikers. I also love how it builds a sense of community and you get to make new friends. Thank you, Wendy, for making us believe we can do anything”
“Everyone needs help once in awhile and it’s great knowing there is someone you can speak to and feel safe. Thank you, Wendy, for being there and offering support when we need it. Changes are good especially when they are pinpointed and we can move through them.”
“Life Coaching is amazing. Wendy helped me refine my life through her Coaching. I was stuck for 6 years working at a job I did not like. Through Her help I have increased my confidence and decision making levels and i was able to move forward! I now have the job of my dreams and I am continuing to pursue other interests of mine with just as must enthusiasm! Thank you!"
“My Life Coach has really helped me to enjoy life more. I used to be very stressed out about making more money. Wendy has totally helped me turn my stress levels into calm confidence. I am more productive now and happy! Do the Life Coaching it WORKS!”
Oh my gosh. I’ve only been home for about an hour. As I am trying to soak in & digest all of the beautiful people, energy & nature we all shared this weekend, I am sitting here in a bit of awe. I feel so blessed to have been able to co-lead a lovely weekend of inner & outer connection at such an inspiring spot with such an inspiring and willing group. Thank you Wendy Shugar & Zach from Happy Hikers Fitness – Fitness for your Mind, Body and SoulJohn Yohman Fitness and all those who shared their energy & light. Til next time, ✌💜🕉 Namaste

If you’re in the Cottage Grove/Eugene, Oregon area and are interested in doing yoga in a cozy Pacific Yurt, be sure to check out Happy Hikers Fitness – Fitness for your Mind, Body and Soul.

Mary Oliva Dawson is with Brian Dawson.     February 19

Thank you Wendy Shugar for spreading love on our barn!

(Wendy is an artist and multitalented friend from elementary school!)