In our daily adventures, we go through the processes of opening ourselves up to all kinds of new information, integrating it, and then re-looking at new possibilities to maybe start all over again, or, not, but the goal is to keep moving forward on our journey!

Living in this day and age, where information is available everywhere at a minute’s notice, it is very easy to become overwhelmed by the constant craziness of daily “breaking news”, email in-boxes and even some sort of spiritual or non-spiritual revelations, all that are pushed in our faces constantly through the tv or radio.  It is crazy how fast things change from day to day, seems that as soon as we think we have it all figured out there is a newer, better way to do something.  I don’t know about you but for all my adult life I have attempted to dismiss or ignore new information because it rocks my world and takes away all the stable information I have come to know. So, the influx of all this new stuff makes me crazy.

Recently, I was reminded that sometimes I too need to re-look at what is happening, where I am headed and what I am doing (stop and think about things every day).  I took a moment to allow some new information regarding a very personal matter enter my brain and rather than closing down, I decided to try to remain open by allowing my intuition to guide me – to trust my gut if you will.

Think about this concept for a minute… example…. all the studies concerning foods that are good for you and foods that are bad for you are plentiful.  Well reality is there is NO one way that is best.  The answer is different for each of us, and this is something all the studies in the world can’t quite figure out. Really think about it… For me, being Vegan is ideal for others it is not, but yet, we may all be healthy or not… LOL.  All we as individuals can do is take in all the information and process it our own way, for a full understanding and in the end only we can decide what information, ideas, and concepts will be used that is best for ourselves, using our gut and instincts even if it scares us and brings us out of our own comfort zone.

So, I guess what I’m trying to say is by remaining open we are allowed to continually change and shift, by checking ourselves as we learn and as we are exposed to new information, POSSIBILITIES if you will. It can feel a bit like being thrown off balance at times, but this openness is essential to the process of growth, and at the same time it is exciting and new and the possibilities are endless.

So here are some great tools to opening up to new possibilities:

Say Yes More Often

 When you find yourself saying no a lot, you cut yourself off to new experiences and limit your abilities to connect to new ideas, people or concepts. Start saying yes more often and you might find yourself in a better position.   Say yes to going on a new adventure and you might just find out you like something you never have been exposed to before or just say yes to a drink or dinner, be open to where it leads with no expectations and you might find that you really like your new friend… even if he/she is not your “type”.  The key here is say YES more often and BE OPEN to NEW POSSIBILTIES without any expectations… THEN you will find Happiness, Peace and new Adventures around every corner!

Show Interest in Others

We already covered saying yes more often. But by saying yes more you are going to find yourself connecting with more people. Listen to them, find out what makes them excited because guess what they will return the favor.  Then you can start showing each other new things to help you on your individual journeys. It’s almost like the buddy system within humanity and it is cool if you let it happen.

Live in the NOW

Become aware of everything in the now, listen to your intuition and allow yourself to trust.  Living in the now will shift your vibration to sync with the universe.  It will not solve all your problems like coming home to a clean house without doing anything to make it happen but staying in the now will give you many chances to move towards opportunities being offered to you instead of shying away because you are worrying about your house not being clean… do you follow me. You’re looking at opportunities instead of challenges… it’s a cool way to live trust me! If you go into a situation in the NOW and take it on without expectations of this or that you can make the outcome much better as you will not be disappointed because it did not go the way you “thought” it would!

Comfort Zones and CHANGE

 People DO NOT like change. FEAR stems from change and it forces us outside of the comfortable and cozy bubble each of us has created for ourselves.  Think about it for a minute.  Most people’s lives are scheduled and predictable which makes it comfortable.  Throw an extra day in, or take away a lunch meal and most people would be confused as to what was going on – LOL

Reality is we cannot grow as a person unless we take the time to look around, realize that things change, and decide to explore the possibilities that are being offered which in turn can show us that change is full of personal growth and opportunities.  It may not feel good at first but the possibilities are endless.

Things can NEVER stay the same EVER.  They either get better or worse over time but never ever will they stay the same.  So, if you allow yourself the opportunity to see what change may offer you may be surprised.

“To get something you have never had,

you have to do something you’ve never

done.” (anonymous)

OK so if you keep all the above in the back of your mind and try one or two of them every once in a while, you might just open yourself up to CREATING NEW POSSIBILITIES.  In creating new Possibilities, you will learn a lot about yourself.  You will discover new passions, new friendship hell maybe a whole new way of life and NEW YOU because the possibilities are endless.   TAKE A CHANCE on you be open and ready for anything and everything… hell it could be exciting to say the least.

Give it a try YOUR WORTH IT!!!

Peace Out