Let’s be honest everyone… Most of us are only half-committed to things — in many cases, much less than half-committed.  Which by the way just allows us not to be 100% present.

Some of us say start by saying we are going to change our diet, study more or make more money but are we fully committed to any of it? Think about this… have you ever made a meal plan, bought the groceries and cleared out the junk food and even set time in your calendar to prep meals for the week and change your habit of eating out much of the time?

Have you ever made a commitment at work but then don’t fully show up, get distracted, procrastinate, because if you do then you are only half in it much of the time not committed right?

Some of us may even do the same thing to the people in our lives — we’re only half there for them.

Come be honest… how often do we show up fully, with deep commitment?

I am writing about this not for blame or to shame anyone, not even to be judgmental or critical. I just wanted to bring attention to it and open others up to the idea of becoming fully committed to things, and to start getting very clear on the effects of it in our lives.

I know I for one try to not let others down, showing up like I promised I would, etc. but I am working on it every day to get better at this and it is hard work.  Maybe one day I can and will say I show up 100%!

Again, this is not to have us all feel shameful or guilty about, or beat ourselves up. It’s about letting showing up fully in the world, powerfully, with full commitment.

Here are a few places I start:

I try pausing and realizing that I need to check my commitment levels.

I look into my heart and ask whether I really want to commit to something. I ask myself if I feel a strong desire to commit to something.

Does it feel right? Do I have the space and energy in my life to uphold this commitment?

Then I whatever it takes and try to not break a promise I have made, and to always show up as fully committed as I can.

Are you ready to dive into this practice, drop the shame and blame game and self-judgment and just show up?

Peace and Happiness

ExoRank says:

Awesome post! Keep up the great work! 🙂