When we hold space for someone, we offer to hold the

overwhelming feelings they may be encountering.

Hey everyone with the recent craziness of the fires in California, I thought I would repost this!

Holding spaces means that you are willing to walk alongside another person in whatever journey they’re on without judging them, making them feel inadequate, or trying to impact the outcome. When you hold space for other people, we open our hearts, offer unconditional support, and let go of judgement and control.

We have all been asked at one time or another to help a loved one, friend or stranger through difficult times. Sometime this is easier than other times.  If you are asked to help run an errand or start a meal train or even just help an elderly person make phone call, we know what to do it is pretty non-invasive and helpful! But sometimes like in California’s’ current fire state, we are called on as humans to hold space for all sorts of people as they go through their current journey to a safe spot. Some may need to state their anger or grief; they may need to talk, cry, walk help others or, maybe just maybe, simply be silent. People in crisis may need us to hold their hand; feed them a meal (literally a spoon at a time), they may need a handout of a basic need (though afraid to ask) or they may just need us to give them time alone.

Whatever is needed and wanted right now, we can all hold space for others by offering to be that person for the overwhelming feelings people may be encountering due to the current situation happening.

If you can find it deep within your soul to offer your time, love and “box” to help others unload in this way, please remember to stay centered and grounded, everyone will win this way!

Your strong presence will allow those in need to lean on you for support, and your presence can and will provide an environment, to start to heal in many ways!

Please remember that some of the strongest leaders, and friends need to know that there is someone with whom they can be vulnerable and weak without fear of being judged.  Allow those that come to you in a time of need to take the lead of the movements of action from talking to not talking, from anger to grief from helplessness to empowerment!

If you can be aware and open, you can help others take the time to access their feelings and when things start to feel right again you can slowly back away when it is time for the ones in need to be silent comfortably with themselves!

Listen, holding space for another is not easy…. It requires humility, conscientiousness, the ability to step out of the way, and to know on a soul level that whatever is happening with the person in need it is about them and not about you!

When we help and love others in this way, we can, will and do provide a space in which others in their time of need, can simply be, and then are able to feel what they need to feel without worrying about being judged.

You can provide this offering to those in need, in person, over the phone, via texting or social media or even from a distance through meditation. However, you do it, when you hold space for someone in need, you are offering a gift of the highest nature.


Peach, Love and Happiness



Sherene Love Wilson says:

Thank you Wendy for
Holding Space for Me !
I am looking forward to this
the journey I’m on & so
happy you are with me !