Allowing yourself to be seen by your friends, is a powerful healing tool

 There are many many benefits of letting someone see you

· One of the greatest benefits of being seen is that you allow others to see you for who you are.

·  You allow yourself to live your truths, follow your journey and allow yourself to walk alongside likeminded people, all while being supported by those you love.  (Not necessarily on the same path but darn close.  Listen taking a few turn outs, on the road, to explore on your own is not so bad for anyone one)

· Feeling deeply connected to others supports immune function, helps you live a longer life, and allows you to recover from upsets faster.

Ok, I’m going to get personal for a minute (because that is what I do to make my writings more real).  For most of my life, I personally hated to be seen, and in fact, for years and years I lived my life as a closed book (there were many reasons why I did that and if you find recently I have shared with you I thank you for listening!)  Everyone saw me as that tattooed lady, or that single mom of three, or maybe even “the one” who had most of her shit together or not (LOL), the person who never showed any feelings and/or the one who never stopped moving.  Listen, reality is this was what I wanted others to see.  I did not want anyone to see the real me, mostly because I did not know who that was myself and I did not want others to see that part of me.  But then someone pointed this theory out to me…

It is in your power to change and be changed through the act of seeing and being seen…

Hmmm, let’s all think about this for a moment – It is in your power to change and be changed through the act of seeing and being seen…

When we allow ourselves to be seen and I mean really seen by another, we cannot help but be a changed person by the experience, whether it is seeing someone else or allowing ourself to be truly seen!

Listen, this is important people! We personally change, whether we like it or not.  For example, when we are sharing a personal experience, we are learning to open ourselves up and be seen, or maybe we change when standing in front of friends to celebrate a special occasion because we are allowing solidarity, or perhaps we change when we express our unexplained happiness or sadness in front of another and no judgement happens, I think all these things strengthens us for sure!

Are you asking why yet? Why letting yourself be seen is important? It’s because we are allowing ourselves to be seen as who we are and to experience in a very intimate way.   We are not only showing ourselves to someone else, but we are allowing that person to hold space with or for us, so this act of allowing ourselfes to be truly seen can take place.  Reality is this promotes truly living in the NOW in the moment which is very important.

Ok, there is a catch to this theory though….

We must be open and be brave enough to allow ourselves to be seen, so our friends and loved ones can easily be a witness to it. Think about that.  How many times have you put on a smiley face or forced yourself to giggle just so someone did not see your fear or sadness.  Imagine the possibilities that could happen if you just allow, even one person to know the truth.  Probably you could get help, to move in a better direction right then and there on the spot – but you must allow yourself to be open and to be seen.

Hell, most of us are afraid to be seen.  We are so sure that what others see in us is not good enough and maybe even a sign of weakness, that some never let it happen, ever. Sure, you might be willing to have somebody “see” your banana bread with chocolate chips or your new hippie type pants you got in Topanga, but seeing your new song or your heart’s love of creating art work just because…. probably not.

The idea of allowing yourself to be seen on a personal/emotional/non-scientific level is key… being seen by someone can take you from being an overly-independent, loner type who lives like an introvert….  into the loving, compassionate, spiritually connected person that you have always had the potential of becoming.  Share you art, your music your thoughts go ahead it Is all important and it shows who you are, yoiur love and your feelings!

By opening up more and more you will find the best receiver of your truths is someone who has proven to be trustworthy, patient, compassionate, kind, non-judgmental, and there for you when you need it just because… at a drop of a hat without question. And these type or people exists they do!  And btw, It a very cool thing when this happens by the way.

Finding friends, family members or loved ones who can be “the kind of person who”, when you spend time with them, can help you feel like they are gently holding your heart in their open hands, these people they make the difference. These people are the kind of people you need to let in who help make life worth it, fun, adventurous and thrill seeking, and the ones who you want to turn to for all the good or bad and still know in the back of your mind that no matter what, they have your back. They make you feel lucky to have them in your life and vice versa, but you have to open up to allow these peeps into your life!

Remember not everyone deserves to see all of you and don’t forget it is nothing short of a gift when you share, just like when others share with you.  It is an honor to be there for someone else to just hold space and love, so remember that it is also an honor for another to do that for you because you too deserve it!! (hard lesson right there but it is truth!)

Anyone who has ever experienced love, acceptance, or appreciation reflected in a good friend or significant others eyes knows how incredible this experience of being seen can be.

When you truly open yourself up to another, you are giving them the gift of you and showing them that they also matter. In allowing yourself to be seen, you are allowing others into your intimate space, allowing them to touch your heart, you are creating a space for support, love, and goodwill that will stay with you both forever…

So, I challenge you to do this…

During your next group gathering, thank your friends and family for being there for you. Allow yourself to feel their gratitude, attention, and support.  Take the time to feel, I mean really feel in your gut the sense of love around you. If you feel inspired please share your thoughts with them.   You may be surprised at the feelings of peace and validation that arise within you, when you feel safe enough to go deep into your soul and share yourself with those you trust. And the rewards are endless!  Hell, you might even inspire those around you to do the same… creating a safe environment for all to live their truths will only result in one thing…. Happiness and a sense of freedom for all!

Peace out!