Sharing and grief are definitely and unfortunately a part of the human experience!
When a death or debilitating experience happens in our life, we may feel a tremendous amount of sadness occur, we may feel like withdrawing or running away from life or just retreating to cry with grief for hours and days on end. I for one have experienced this lately and to be honest I have felt like, if I just stay out of the way of life I could somehow be protected from more sadness or “Danger”. Anybody ever feel this way?
I know that feeling this way and possibly following our feelings and withdrawing may feel right, but, I am learning and thus wanting to share, that during these times I think it is important to reach out to those who love you and just be one with them, share time, a story, a text or phone call, anything, just so that you are around people who care and can help you just “be”. I know for me being around those I love also opens me up to information about their experiences which is helping me learn new ways of dealing with my recent loss, that of my mother.
It is true that the universe speaks to us in many ways and I believe if we do not withdraw but in fact reach out to others during our time of need, then we can open ourselves up to receiving the messages the universe and others have for us to learn, to help and to see us through our time of tremendous sadness!
Grief and loss, hits us hard, in fact so hard it reaches to the core of our being, but if you open yourself up to share your feelings, loss and grief you may find that your friends and the universe are here for a reason, that to help, support and love unconditionally at all times… even during times when we are at our lowest, during that time of the vulnerability of grief and loss! It is during this time that we discover who is truly willing to walk with us through life.
Listen to the signs carefully, grief is a part of life, but, if we don’t withdraw and we chose to share with others when they are willing to share with us, then we can learn from them and learn from the universal messages we are being shown and then we can consciously or unconsciously increase our connections to those around us and to the universe and its messages.
I am writing this to share in the hopes of reminding you the reader and me the writer that sharing our grief, allows us to ease our crazy state some, by letting someone else and the universe step in and really help us cope- because it is HARD, and the process is EXHAUSTING and it is very TIME CONSUMING.
I think if we allow the process to happen with no time frame in mind, then our inner thoughts and feelings might just be helped by those that are acknowledging and who are helping us (because reality is we cannot do that for ourselves if we are smack dab in the middle of the tornado). Reality is we are all here on this planet to spread a message (a mission of sorts) so maybe by allowing others to help you, further wisdom and life lessons can be learned or accepted and then you can help pass them on when it is time for you to be there for another…Don’t feel guilty for allowing others to be there to help, during sadness and grief – you know that you would do the same for another.
My hope for sharing this blog is that if any of this resonates with you…. then you can see a little bit farther and go through your loss and grief with a little more ease, knowing that your true friends and the universe are there for you, and most importantly that you can be open to learn and trust in in those friends, family and the universe to help you get through this time of life itself.
Peace Out