Hey everyone! I know how life can often feel like a whirlwind of responsibilities, deadlines, and the endless demands of daily existence. I mean survival is the name of the game right!

In the midst of this chaos though, we all have to remember that it is soooooo important to hit the pause button and take an “adult time out” for well-being in the game called life. Let me make something very clear here, this is not just a luxury; it’s a necessity for our mental and physical health. So, let’s talk about this adult time out thing.  There are just a few things that are involved, munching on a healthy snack, stealing a moment for a cat nap, and, most importantly, venturing outside for a refreshing nature walk because NATUREHEALS®.

Ok let’s dial in some examples and set the stage here. 

Picture this: a cozy corner with your favorite healthy snacks, a delightful assortment of nuts, fruits, and maybe, no definitely a  piece of dark chocolate. Taking the time to actually taste these treats not only nourishes your body but also provides a mental break. Yup true story! This is a time that lets you take a “time out” to indulge in the simple pleasure of a tasty snack, bringing a burst of energy and a sprinkle of joy into your day. Trust me, a happy stomach equals a happier you!

Now, let’s talk about the underrated magic of the cat nap and anyone who knows me knows this is almost impossible for me but every once in a while…. A short snooze can do wonders for the way you feel not only in the present day but maybe even in days to come.  Here is the trick to make it happen, find a comfortable spot, set an alarm if needed, and let yourself drift into a mini dreamland. You’ll be amazed at how a brief nap can recharge your batteries and it’s like a reset button for your mind.  I for one usually do my best at around 30 minutes but every once it awhile it turns into a couple of hours.

Let’s talk NatureHeals®  and talk stepping out into Nature!

One of the most powerful components of the adult time out is the nature walk. Step outside, breathe in the fresh air, and let the healing power of nature work its wonders, maybe even share a smile or two with others. The sunlight, the rustle of leaves, and the sounds of birds singing —these are not to be taken for granted during this walk; Why? Because they are the ingredients of a natural remedy for stress and fatigue. Nature has this incredible ability to soothe the soul and clear your thoughts.

Let’s think about this for a minute.  There’s the beautiful effect: when you take the time to recharge, your positive energy radiates outward. I mean have you ever noticed how your mood can influence those around you? After a rejuvenating during an adult time out, you become a bundle of good vibes. Your refreshed energy and positive aura can uplift the spirits of those you interact with, creating a domino effect of good feelings.  Everyone wins!

Lastly let’s talk about laughter, the ultimate stressbuster. During my adult time outs, I often stumbled upon the silliest things—a funny meme, a quirky video—and let out a hearty laugh. For me laughter is not just a mood booster; it’s a therapeutic release. So, don’t be afraid to infuse a bit of humor into your time out regimen.  If you have to watch a comedy video or read some memes or jokes!  It helps really!

I recall a particularly hectic week when an adult time out became my saving grace. A nature walk outside my back door, a bag full of almonds, and a 15-minute rest under a tree—it worked like a charm. When I returned, I was not just more focused and energized, but my son noticed the change of my mood. He even said he would try it… and later we would go outside and sit under trees together for a bit to hit the restart button.  It really works.

Ok I could go on and on about this adult time out thing.  But the jist is it is not a luxury; it’s a life saver. So, when you are feeling down, please embrace the power of snacks, naps, nature walks, and laughter. Your happiness deserves it, and those around you will thank you for the positive vibes you bring to the table.

Remember, in the chaos of life, taking a moment for yourself is not selfish; it’s an act of self-love. So, go ahead, indulge in an adult time out—you’ve earned it and if anyone complains tell them I approved it!

Stay healthy and enjoy!

Peace, Happiness and NatureHeals®