Ok we all know that, In the hustle and bustle of daily life, it’s easy to overlook the beauty that shows up in the simplest moments. I don’t know about you, but most humans go through entire days without actually looking at the amazing wonders of nature that surround us all. It’s as if we’re glancing at a masterpiece without taking the time to appreciate its intricate details. Think about this for a minute. Nature supplies us with the air we breathe, the earth we stand on and the food we eat, all of which sustain us here during this thing we call life.

However, once we as humans figure out what surround us and open our eyes and fully immerse ourselves in nature, we discover an air filled with subtle scents and miraculous sights.

Nature has a magical way of lifting our spirits and rejuvenating us, provided we pause long enough to drink from its beauty. Let me tell you a quick story. Nature saved my life. Yep, it’s true. The short story is I was 300+ pounds, could not walk a mile and was unhappily working like most everyone else without a purpose or legacy. Then I was thrown on a trail and went through many trials and tribulations including having to have someone tie my shoes because I was just too tired after a 10-minute hike. But after I continued hiking on trails, sitting under trees, and smelling fresh air, over the next days and weeks, I started to find myself, began believing in me again and well here I am living my legacy happy life.

I also used the concept of forest bathing, an ancient practice rooted in immersing oneself in nature to promote well-being. I guess I’m really trying to make the point that taking a day to notice the beauty in nature is like embarking on a forest bathing journey. As we observe the play of light filtering through the leaves of a tree or raindrops makes in a puddle, we reconnect with the therapeutic power of nature.

I ask anyone reading this to a challenge:  To genuinely appreciate the beauty that surrounds us, consider dedicating a day to: Rise early to watch the sunrise, letting the changing colors of the sky influence the rest of your day. Then observe the morning light as it lights the world in a golden glow and acknowledge your own connection to the natural world. Allow intuition to guide you to the elements of nature that call out to you—the rustling of leaves in the wind or the sensation of snowflakes landing on your warm eyelids and cheeks.

Once you’ve experienced a day of NatureHeals®, you will never go back. I know I know some reading this might be saying I can’t do this every day all day and I get it. So, try taking at least  just one minute each day to pause and truly absorb the world around you, thanking Mother Nature for her exquisite gifts and NatureHeals®. By doing this in your daily routine, you’ll find yourself rejuvenated and connected to the profound beauty that exists in every corner of the natural world. LOL, you might even discover that the secret to a more fulfilling life has been right in front of you all along—just waiting to be noticed!

Hopefully, you can take this opportunity and run with it. I mean it is just a few minutes a day!

Peace, Happiness and NatureHeals®