I blog about a lot of things.  But this one is very important!  You have to refill your spiritual, physical and emotional needs often people!

Please read this and allow it to sink in.  I learned the hard way.  You MUST take time for YOU.  Here is the deal…. Make the time because your physical and Emotional needs are just as important as your spiritual level!  If you can keep your energy to your spirit and keep it going you will be golden!!

There is a lot of good news on this subject!  Think about it – finding time to for you to spend on these things can not only be easy, it can be fun and if you take it to the next level it does not have to be lonely!  All you have to do is find a little time each day or week to do something for you and then take that experience and share it with another… who knows you might just spark something in them to change or share with you too…  There is a plethora of possibilities.  Just remember tasks for you do not have to be hard or complex…. they could be as simple as hanging out in nature (which is what I do when I write – Picture above is my scenery right now at this moment), going to the gym, or just chilling in front of the tv or taking a nap because you allow yourself to do so!! Just remember that you do not have to withdraw from life to replenish… just a time-out will do!

This is another reason for learning to just BE!  You will teach yourself that your thoughts do not have to be continuously going in every direction.  If you give yourself, you time, you may discover forgetting about all the things you need to do in a given day and just BE at that moment in time is powerful enough.  You may discover things you never would think about normally, like, a creative idea, a rejuvenation of a dream or how to show the real you to those you love, by just being you. Things that might help you with this could be guided meditation, relaxing activities, yoga or even a sound bath (pretty relaxing).

“You time” can and will help prepare you for the next round of daily life. Make it a routine.  For example, I recently was shown that after waking in the am, it was very relaxing to take time and not rush into the days activities.  I was shown that drinking a cup of coffee (or tea in my case) and just allowing my body and mind to slowly get moving for a few minutes before I jump into action is a very helpful tool to start the day.  I started doing this on top of me time every day (well almost every day) and it started to allow me to learn more about myself and my needs. So as unimportant as “me time” can sometimes come across, it is very important to your wellbeing, and it helps that you are never left without the energy to give of yourself.  Just remember that it does not have to be full time, this is where people get scared and do not act to replenish themselves because they feel they can not stops their lives.  No need people that’s the trick…… listen and allow the good that is being sent your way don’t le it slip away!

Cheers to life and to replenishing ourselves, allowing ourselves to learn along the way and listening to the universe which will guide you along the way!  Take advantage of the lessons being shown you and the lessons you learn during this time of your life…. They are powerful!


Peace out

shubhu23 says:

Beautiful post. 🙂